Power resistors for freight elevators: protecting machines and personal safety with braking resistors


The elevators and goods lifts sector is particularly regulated by regulatory standards, with demanding technical constraints.

METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR offers braking resistors up to 500KW and compliant with the NF602604-32 standard on the safety of machines and their electrical equipment.

Resistors in response to industrial needs

Several companies and operational sites, in France and abroad, have chosen safety with the installation of METAL DEPALOYE RESISTOR resistors.

This is particularly the case for Sporting Monaco, the towers of La Défense, and Roland Garros, whose elevators are equipped with special elevator braking resistors .

Companies already trust us

In France and internationally, MÉTAL DÉPLOYÉ RESISTOR works alongside all installations and equipment in the implementation of safety products.

countries of intervention
projects implemented
international clients

French design and manufacture
World leader in custom resistors

A range of products in response to business needs

DEPLOYED METAL RESISTOR meets all types of needs thanks to

  • a range of scalable standard resistors
  • specific resistances

When does your experience with METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR begin?