

since 1938
designed and manufactured in France

METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR: the world’s leading manufacturer of power electrical resistors for large-scale projects, in demanding environments

All products are designed and manufactured in France, by engineers and technicians able to offer efficient and appropriate technical solutions.

Theright solution for every need

Load banks

Today, METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR is the world leader on the tailor-made electric load bank market, resistive / capacitive, for all powers, for alternating current or direct current. Its strengths are recognized: ergonomic, modular, robust, compact.

Services & support

We operate all over the world

Based in Montbard (Côte-d’Or, France), METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR combines French quality know-how, regional roots and international influence .
With more than 80 years of technical expertise in electrical resistances, we master all tensions and all powers , for installations ranging from a few kilowatts to several megawatts.
Quality procedures, an innovation and R&D approach and an optimized internal organization, which allow us to closely monitor the needs of our international customers.

countries of intervention
projects implemented
international clients

News & outlook

They trust us …