Training: personalized and adapted to your requests

For its customers in France and around the world, METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR provides training and assistance in the use of its entire range of products …

METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR engineers are at your disposal for

Training and updating programs for full use of the functionality of your load banks

Individualized training

The training of your operators:

  • Discharge bank
  • VF load bank
  • Container

Our training courses can be carried out in several places depending on your request and your constraints.

3 possible training locations:

  • In our technical training workshop
  • At the heart of your facilities and on your equipment
  • In France and abroad

As well as possible remote assistance.

All our training is provided by METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR engineers and technicians.

Regular updating of programs

Updating of the load bank programs

PLC program update

DEPLOYED METAL RESISTOR meets all types of needs thanks to

  • a scalable standard range
  • specific products

When does your experience with METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR begin?

French design and manufacture
World leader in custom resistors