Oil & Gas: the oil and gas energy industries facing the challenges of tomorrow

Oil refinery

Today, companies in the oil and gas sector are facing a whole series of complex challenges: energy transition, increasing volatility in oil prices, heightened international competition, the advent of disruptive technologies and the tightening of public regulations …

Faced with their normative constraints and the scale of the installations, METAL DEPLOYE RESISTOR supports the major upstream and downstream clients of the oil and gas sector, with a range of resistances adapted for complete onshore, offshore and subsea equipment.

Resistors in response to the demanding needs of the Oil & Gas sector

Within the framework of their restrictive environment and precise specificities, many oil groups ask for the establishment of resistors.

There are several types of resistors, useful for the Oil & Gas sector:

Earthing resistors – MALT: the safety of installations and people

The Earthing resistance ensures repetitive and permanent protection of substations and their components. This avoids costly repairs or replacements.

In fact, most electrical distribution networks have a neutral connected to the earth in which, in the event of a fault, a very high current would occur. In order to avoid the destruction and disturbances that it could cause, an earthing resistor is inserted between neutral and earth, to limit this current and give the protection devices time to act automatically.

Link to Earthing Resistors / NEUTRAL EARTHING RESISTORS page

Load resistors – Load bank : test and maintain electrical power

To ensure the safety and performance of electrical installations, it is a priority to regularly test existing energy production systems, in order to maintain them and verify their correct operation: generators, turbines, batteries, inverters, etc.

In the load banks, intended for generating sets, the resistors come into service when the set is operating at low power and prevent the diesel engines from clogging.

The use of resistors as load banks is also customary for the maintenance of accumulator batteries, in electrical laboratories and in telecommunications.

Link to LOAD BANK page

Motor control resistors: ensure the proper operation of cranes and drilling equipment

Resistors play an essential role in controlling high power electric motors, for starting and braking. They make it possible to limit the starting currents of compressors, pumps, fans, etc. They regulate the operation of the motors which drive the lifting and handling equipment.

Simplicity, reliability, robustness, these are the advantages of resistors often combined with electronic systems: overhead cranes, container ships, port cranes, automated lines, etc.


Braking control resistors: control speed variations

Braking resistors are able to absorb strong power overloads over long cycles. They will allow the drive to operate correctly in stop braking or in braked operation by transforming electrical energy into heat energy.


International oil groups already trust us

Worldwide, MÉTAL DÉPLOYÉ RESISTOR works alongside players in the Oil & Gas sector.

Link to NEWS page

countries of intervention
projects implemented
international clients

French design and manufacture
World leader in custom resistors

A range of products adapted to the needs of oil groups

DEPLOYED METAL RESISTOR meets all types of needs of the largest infrastructures in the world.

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