In the news2021-02-01T10:17:00+01:00

In the news

Find here all our news, our case studies and completed projects, our perspectives, …


11 October 2021|Actualités résistances|

Métal Déployé Resistor is a founding member of the Metal Valley association. Metal Valley is the association of 7 dynamic industrial companies located in the Montbard - Venarey les Laumes (21) basin: Expanded Metal Resistor Métal Deployé SA Valti Nuclear [...]


11 October 2021|Heating resistance|

INDUSTRIAL DRYING The use of resistances in expanded metal low thermal inertia allows heat with great precision and without polluting a gas intended for example, to dehydrate food, pharmaceutical or chemical products. . . UNDERFLOOR HEATING OF COLD ROOMS Thanks [...]


11 October 2021|Les technologies de Metal Deploye Resistor|

WOVEN GRIDS PRESENTATION This technology makes it possible to offer resistances of power with a strong ohmic value (up to several hundred ohms ). In addition, these resistors are particularly well suited to applications which require strong tension ( constant [...]


11 October 2021|Les technologies de Metal Deploye Resistor|

PRESENTATION PREPARATION OF THE GRIDS After cutting, the consecutive strips of a grid are alternately separated and isolated from each other by an internal separator consisting of a housing or a flat iron flanked by two blades of mica . [...]